Golfe de Saint-Tropez - 9 Avenue des Américains , 83820, Le Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer, France

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Golfe de Saint
83820 Le Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer

Take advantage of our short stays which are still available

It’s not too late to enjoy a short stay at the Résidence du Bailli. Want to get away from your routine for a few days, with your family or friends? The Résidence proposes stays starting at 3 nights next to the Mediterranean.

All 19 of the air-conditioned apartments (40 m2 to 95 m2) are fully equipped and have a balcony or a terrace, offering a superb view of the sea and the Gulf of Saint-Tropez or of the famous Mediterranean Gardens.

All of the rooms in the apartments have been totally renovated and equipped, the kitchen opens onto the sitting area with contemporary furniture and a trundle bed is nestled in an alcove. The bedrooms with their comfortable bedding provide a peaceful ambiance.

Enjoy, during a short stay, an idyllic setting in these apartments located by the sea.


Only 20 metres from the Bailli Beach, close to the 3 restaurants of the Domaine du Bailli and a stone’s throw from the coastal path you can recharge your batteries before your summer holiday.

And why not allow yourself a moment of relaxation at the Carita Bailli Spa. A large range of professional treatments and massages are available.

There’s nothing like a short stay at the Résidence du Bailli to get your fill of renewed energy. Located in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, this holiday rental residence proposes short stays of a minimum of 3 nights in an apartment for 2 to 8 people starting at €210 per night.


Don’t wait any longer to reserve. This exclusive “short stay” offer ends at the end of the month of June!

Only a stone’s throw from the tumult of Saint-Tropez, you will appreciate its calm and pleasant environment between land and sea.

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